Since i was off on monday and got nothing to do, so i might as well went for movies. I watched 2 movies in 2 days. They are the Rise: Blood Hunter and Border Town. Both movies were not so worth the price, maybe low budget movies.

This horror/thriller film was directed by Sebastian Gutierrez. Main cast are from Lucy Liu as Sadie Blake, Michael Chiklis as Detective C. Rawlins and the bad guy James D'Arcy as Bishop. From the beginning, after 20 mins watching, i was already feeling that this film was some kind of a movie of Blade by Wesley Snipes.
Sadie Blake as a reporter who was killed by vampire cult seek revenge when she woke up on a morgue finding herself of becoming one of them. Her mission was to hunt them down one by one until she found Bishop that causing her death. She was helped by Detective Rawlins whose daughter was also slaughter by the same vampire cligue.
The best part of this movie was when she found out that no matter how hard she tried to commit suicide, she will still come back to life, as her mission was not revenge. Well, my ratings for this movie gonna be 5/10 only.

Border Town featuring Jennifer Lopez as Lauren Adrian and Antonio Banderas as Alfonso Diaz, both reporters trying to solve out the mystery between the numerous women that are raped and murdered in Ciudad Juarez.
They were trying to protect the sole survivor Eva (Maya Zapata) that ever escaped for the series of slaying which involved young factory women that required to work long hours for little money in order to produce mass quantity products for a compay near the mexican bordertown.
They also try to find the two killers to bring them prosecuted but, of cause, the bad guys sure are in good position and wealthy too. So in order to catch them, Lauren need to starts working in the factory as bait on the bus ride because they sure'll follow the same routine as how they did on others. It's lucky for Lauren to escape also as Eva had told her all the routines she had been through.
Diaz which in the film got few scenes only get killed after Lauren plans the published her news since she got proof already, but she need to get back to america. Everything seems to start chaos for Eva, because she felt no more safety beyond the border as she tried to fleed to the US, together with the others migrants in the trunk of a car. She got caught and was sent back.
Finally, Lauren was back but she can't find Eva, as she had been missing from Teresa's house. So she might as well went back to Eva's hometown and tried her lucks where the ending of the story stops there by overcoming the main mastermind. My ratings for this movie, 4/10.